In this bias concept, the DC output voltage equals $V_B$
For maximum output voltage swing $V_B$ should equal half the supply voltage (assuming a rail-to-rail output). This value should be within the common-mode input voltage range of the controller.
$R_B$ establishes a high-pass character in the transfer from V1 to $V_{\mathrm{out}}$. From this we find its minimum value $R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}$ as:
$$ R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}=4.953\cdot 10^{+5} $$
The current noise associated with $R_B$ takes a part of the noise budget of $S_i$ of the controller. From this we find its minimum value $R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}$ as:
$$ R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}=1.02\cdot 10^{+7} $$
Hence the show-stopper minimum value of $R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}$ is:
$$ R_{\mathrm{Bmin}}=1.02\cdot 10^{+7} $$
$C_c$ establishes a high-pass character in the transfer from $V_{\mathrm{out}}$ to $V_{\ell}$. From this we find its minimum value $C_{\mathrm{cmin}}$ as:
$$ C_{\mathrm{cmin}}=1.592\cdot 10^{-8} $$
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